Tuesday 22 April 2008

Cranial Osteopath

Finley went to see the Cranial Osteopath yesterday about his neck. He was very good and talked through everything with us. Being very honest, he told us that Finley would get better over time but he would be able to help him along the way, so we are going to take Fin weekly for a few weeks and see if it helps. It's very strange, Finley lays down whilst the Cranial Osteopath gently manipulates the muscles and bones in his head and neck. Oh course our little man was as good as gold - isn't he always. Fingers crossed it'll work and Finn will be a 'lefty' as well as a 'righty'.

Friday 18 April 2008

Update - 13 weeks old

We have been bvsy, busy. Last weekend we took Finley on his first trip to the seaside. We went to Emma and Owain's in Wales. Finley was super on the journey, he slept most of the time only waking up when we stopped for a McD's!!! We went on the windy, windy beach for a walk - god was that hard work pushing the pushchair on the sand against the wind!!

On Tuesday we went for our second baby massage class, which was 'interesting' Finley was to busy eyeing up the girlies though - he is his father's son! I give him a little massage every night after his bath, it is meant to be calming and relaxing. I don't quite think Finley thinks so when he just screams "Give me my supper and stop messing around" . Oh well.

Yesterday Finley had his second Jabs. He didn't even flinch at the first one but cried a little at the second, then he giggled at the HV (I think it was the blue rinse that made him laugh). We had him weighed and measured. He is now 15lbs and is 62.5cm long, no wonder my arms are getting toned!! After the Docs we went to see Nanny and Grandad H and Finn enjoyed having a good giggle at his Grandad - I've never heard him laugh so much, it was so cute.

More pictures to come, I left the camera and Em & O's - silly me.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Roll Over! Roll Over!!

Whoo hoo Finley has rolled over. I put him on his tummy on his play mat and he rolled over WOW! Of course I had to make him do it again, erm and again, erm and again and one more time just for good measure. What a proud Mummy and Daddy we are!! Our 12 week old genius.

Friday 4 April 2008

Pics, Finley - 10wks

Finley loves to giggle.

"Thank you Uncle Mark and Auntie Jo for lending me

the 'Bop & Pop', I love it even though I'm still a bit little for it yet"

" Mum, it's hard work holding my head up".

" zzzzzzzzzzzzz, told you so"

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Physio App

We went to see the physio yesterday about Finn's neck and it was very good news. There are no major problems with his neck muscles or bones he just has a bit of a stiff neck. We have got to continue to encourage him to look both ways and focus on getting him to turn his head to the left (which we have been doing and already seen a great improvement). And also we have to put him to sleep on his left side. We are really pleased YEAH!!

Finley had a really happy day yesterday he spent all of his awake time laughing and smiling, he's soooo cute. Last night, however, he decided to keep us awake again!! Although it wasn't really his fault he had a major blockage, if you get me!! I was very delighted this morning to hear lots of grunting and groaning and to smell the most rancid smell ever!! Gross!! Oh well, at least it put a smile on the little man's face.