Wednesday 5 March 2008

The History

Well where to start......

After deciding that we were finally ready for a new addition to our family, as if you are ever really ready, the 'hubby' and I were very surprised to find out I was pregnant the very first month of trying. I'd heard so many stories of people trying for such a long time I couldn't believe how lucky we were. In fact I didn't believe how lucky we were! I spent the first 12 weeks paranoid that every little twinge and ache was 'bad news'. We even had an early scan at 6 weeks due to bleeding. There was a tiny little 'bean' and a little flicker. Our little man's heartbeat, our miracle!

The Scans
So as time went by, very slowly during the weeks of sickness, we decided to find out the sex of our baby at the 20 week scan. We arrived very nervous, we were both desperate for a girl. As the sonographer scans she was explaining that the baby was growing well and all appeared good. So we ask her to find out the sex and the little bugger wouldn't move. She was very kind and suggested I go for a walk to try to move the baby. After a short walk we return to the room. More cold jelly on the belly and she finally says 'I think it's a boy' the baby moves a little and she says 'It's definitely a boy'.

The Secret

Although we both would have liked a girl we were very pleased our 'little man' was safe and well. We decided to keep the sex a secret to everyone apart from our parents. So after the scan we went a bought a cute blue outfit and met our parents at the pub for lunch. The plan was to show them the outfit so that they knew we were having a boy. With two girls on one side and two boys on the other we were to give one set of grandparents a 'first'. The Nannys were so excited and they thought they knew what we were having until I pulled out the outfit. It was worth it just to see the shock on their faces - they both thought we were having a girl!!
Anyway we managed to keep it a secret, from most people, until Fin arrived. My family were all convinced we were having a girl, they even bought pink cards and pressies!! They were very shocked when Finley arrived.

The Pregnancy

After the reassuring scans I was happy and confident that everything was ok. I suffered a little bit of 'afternoon sickness' but other than that everything went well. My tummy was swelling, 'Little B' was kicking and I was enjoying every minute.

The Birth

My dream was a homebirth so we bought a pool, had our practise runs and were excitedly anticipating our arrival. The day after my due date my waters broke. The contractions started almost straight away - not too painful but close together. Within a few hours the pain was unbearable so we called the midwife. We asked her to collect the 'birth pack' on the way as it had the all important gas & air!! TWO HOURS later she arrives with no birth pack. By this time I was in agony, the labour pains were all in my lower back. She examined me - I was bound to be at least 7-8 cm - NO CHANCE 3cm, OMG HELP!! Plus 'Little B' was back to back, which was not good news.

We decided to go into hospital as we knew we were in for a long night, we didn't realised quite how long though!! Once in hospital the gas & air was welcomed with deep breaths and I didn't let go off it for 17 hours!! I was as high as a kite. I also had pethidine and an epidural, so much for my natural birth. Finally 30 hours after my waters broke I was 10cm but 'Little B' was still back to back. The docs suggested I push, an hour later he was still not ready to meet us. The docs wanted to try the ventouse so I was prepped for a C-Sect just in case and taken to the surgery room. With my epidural topped up (luckily) they went ahead with the ventouse, I heard it 'pop' off 'Little B's' head and knew it hadn't worked. Time for the forceps!! Eventually 'Little B' born Thursday 17th January 2008, 2:01am, 8lbs 1oz. We named him Finley James (after his Grandad James). He was whisked away to be checked over and after a brief cuddle he was whisked away again with his proud Daddy to be cleaned and dressed. I on the other hand had another ordeal to face - 45 minutes later, after being stitched like a patchwork quilt, I could finally join my new family.

First Photos

Our poor swollen Finley. Even though he was bruised and swollen he recovered well, and so did his Mummy - eventually!!

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