Friday 21 March 2008

Jab, jab OUCH!

Yesterday the little man had to have his first set of immunisations. We had been advised to dose him up with calpol an hour before but we decided to go cold turkey (evil parents). Finn was an absolute angel, of course. We arrived at the docs and decided to weigh him first. OMG 12lbs 10oz, no wonder I'm getting muscles like a body builder (well that was a slight over exaggeration). Finley has put on 2lbs 5oz in 16 days, although this is a lot he is now exactly where he should be on 'The Graph', which is a complete pain in the arse and makes all new parents worry for no reason!! I advise any new parent not to look in their 'Red Book' and just enjoy their baby!!

Well after we weighed Finley we went to see the evil nurse, who is actually very lovely. He had to have two needles on in each thigh. My poor little man let out a little whimper when he had each jab and looked at me teary eyed as if to say "Stop her Mummy, please it hurts". I actually think it was far worse for me a Lee than for Finley.

After his jabs we had a chat with the HV about a few things and we have now got an app for Finn to see the physio. Finley has always preferred to sleep with his head to the right but over the past few weeks he hardly ever turns to the left. We have been really encouraging him to turn to the left over the past few days and it seems to have worked. He is currently asleep turned to the left, HURRAY!!! Hopefully it wont be a problem but better to be safe.

We have decided that tonight is the night that Finley gets to sleep in his big bedroom all by himself. I never realised how loud a baby can be when they sleep. He grunts, groans, cries and even squeaks yet he's fast asleep, which, I hasten to add his Mummy and Daddy are definitely not!! Hopefully all will go well as he is used to his cot by having his daytime naps in it!!

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