Thursday 13 March 2008

Splish Splash

Finley is 8 weeks old today - he's growing up so fast!! He has started to giggle and talk, his favourite word as AGOOH, which we have to repeat back to him everytime he says it (poor thing).

Last night he had his first 'big' bath with me. He loved it, he happily kicked away and it was far easier than having to sort out his baby bath and lean over. Tonight he has enjoyed a bath with Daddy, he loves kicking his legs about and floating in the water - he will be swimming soon!!

Today Finley went to see all his baby buddies (or rather I went to see my Mummy buddies). Finn spent the whole time asleep only waking for a quick feed, having a sneaky nose around before promptly falling back to sleep. Today he has hardly been awake - will he sleep tonight? I hope so as the hall carpet needs cleaning tomorrow so I need a good nights sleep to prepare for the carpet cleaning session! What fool left a bin bag full of dirty nappies on the landing for Moby to 'enjoy', ermmm .... maybe me!! Pooh just clashes with a cream carpet, OOPS!!!

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