Thursday 6 March 2008

The Recovery

After B-Day

After Finley was born we were taken up to the ward and Daddy B had to say goodbye for now, he was allowed to return a few hours later when it was visiting time. The epidural wore off and the pain started!! I had always worried about the labour pains and had not even thought about the 'after pains'. I pressed the buzzer for the midwife and screamed for pain relief (preferrabley the gas & air again). The midwife explained that I had had a 3rd degree tear, which was quite bad and extremly painful. I was given pain relief which helped a little - time was the best healer.

As I was healing Finley had developed quite bad jaundice. He was now our 'little yellow man' after two days of phototherapy he wasuch better and we were finally allowed home.

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